
物外12才の時、芸州(現在の広島市)の曹洞宗伝福寺に出家し、藩体術師範 高橋猪兵衛満政について、難波一甫流を約7年間修業し、免許皆伝となった。
その後 30歳まで諸国を遍歴して文武の修行を積み、難波一甫流の他に、楊心流、渋川流、起倒流、竹内流、柳生流、関口流などを習い、それら各流派の長所を取り入れ不遷流と名づけた。
その技は、物外独特の凄まじい当て身(現在の突き)と、絞め(関節技)、逆手、投げ、寝技や、剣術、杖術、鎖鎌など、多彩であり当事、多くの武芸者が不遷流の評判を聞き、挑んだが、誰も物外には及ばず世間の人々から拳骨和尚と呼ばれ、中でも 新撰組局長 近藤 勇 と立ち合い、近藤に「参った」を言わせたのは有名で不遷流の技と物外の武人さが伺える。


"Fusen-ryu Jujutsu"is a school founded by Takeda Motsugai Osho(1794-1866, Osho is a term of respect for a monk), a Zen monk at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate era.
Takeda Motsugai was a child of Miki Heita, a retainer of Matsudaira Okinokami, Lord of Matsuyama-han (present day's Ehime Prefecture). When he was 12 years old, Motsugai became a monk at the Denpuku-ji temple in Geishu (present day's Hiroshima City), a temple of the Sodo sect of Zen. He studied Nanba-ippo-ryu with Takahasi Inobei Mitsumasa, official Taijyutu (unarmed combat) instructor of Geishu, for about seven years and was awarded "Menkyo Kaden", which means that he had mastered the whole system. After this, he travelled round many parts of Japan and kept studying in both literary and martial arts until the age of 30. On top of Nanba-Ippo=ryu, he studied Yoshin-ryu, Shibukawa-ryu, Kito-ryu, Takenouchi-ryu, Yagyu-ryu, Sekiguchi-ryu, etc.and, by adopting strong points of each style, created his style "Fusen-ryu".
It has a variety of technigues such as devastating "Atemi" (Tsuki), which was a speciality of Motsugai, "Shime" (strangling of joints), "Gyakute" (twisting and over-extending of joints), "Nage" (throwing) and "Newaza" (ground techniques), on top of "Kenjutsu" (sword), "Jojutsu" (short staff) and "Kusarigama" (sickle with chain and weight). Many martial artists heard the reputation of "Fusen-ryu" and came to challenge him, but nobody could beat Motugai and people called him "Genkotsu Osho" (monk with strong fists), On famous episode is that Motsugai had a match against Kondo Isamu, head of the Shinsengumi, a group which was policing in Kyot0 at time and had a reputation as very hard fighters, and beat him. this episode is an example to show the excellence of "Fusen-ryu" techniques and the quality of Motsugai as a martial artist.



"HOTEN-RYU - a Traditional Japanese Classical Budo"

500 years ago, the First Master "Takizawa Minonokami Hohten" founded this school as "a Budo (Martial way) which adapts to the order of Mother Nature".
Although "Ken" (sword) techniques, which manifest Nature on "Ki-Ken-Tai" (mind, sword and body), are its nucleus, "Hoten-ryu" is nevertheless an all-round budo utilising Kokenjutsu (classical sword techniques), Bundojutsu (techniques a chain with weights at its ends), Tessenjutsu (iron fan techniques), Jojutsu (short staff techniques), Bojutsu (long staff techniques), Sojutsu (spear techniques), Jujutsu (unarmed combat techniques), Kusarigama (techniques using a sickle with a chain and a weight) and Ken (sword techniques), and aims to achieve "Bunbu-Ryodo" (excellence in both literary and martial arts).
"Yoshino Bujutsu Kenkyusho" (Yoshino Martial Arts Research Institute) has been officially authorized by the 14th generation Master (Soden Shihan), Tachibana Kujuuin Hoten, as the Dojo for Chugoku district since January 2000.
